Second Opinion Clinic and Teleconsultation

A second opinion clinic is a medical facility that specializes in providing second opinions to patients who have received a diagnosis or treatment plan from doctors.

Second opinion clinics can be especially helpful for patients who have received a serious or life-altering diagnosis and want to make sure they are making informed decisions about their care.

They can also be beneficial for patients who are not satisfied with their current treatment plan or who want to explore alternative treatment options.

Shree Giriraj Hospital has a team of expert super specialists who can guide patients in making informed decisions about their treatment.

The hospital offers teleconsultation services to patients who are unable to access the hospital physically.

The teleconsultation service will be launched soon for the benefit of patients who would like to consult super specialists for their healthcare needs.

The hospital's teleconsultation service provides patients with a mechanism to connect with doctors whenever required so that they can access the healthcare facility easily.